
أختار اللغة

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الشركات المميزة

حابس المحتسب للإستشارات

نظرة عامة

HAKAM Consulting International has the talent to provide exceptional audit and financial advisory services. Our service strategy is focused on meeting our clients' goals. We have spent considerable time over several years streamlining our delivery systems, restructuring our firm, and working as teams in order to ensure the quality service that our clients expect and deserve.
From our Jordan office, we serve clients on a regional, national and international basis. Our clients range in size from limited liability companies to leading public shareholding companies and public sector companies. As audit and financial advisory firm, we are able to offer the experience needed to handle a complete range of business financial matters. Our practice is organized into the following service groups to better serve our clients:

Planning and Feasibility Studies
Financial Policies and Procedures
Internal and External Audits
Accounting & Administrative Services
Fraud Examinations
Tax Advisory

المنتجات والخدمات

إستشارات مالية خدمات تدقيق داخلي خدمات تدقيق خارجي إستشارات ضريبية دراسة جدوى خدمات محاسبية إعداد سياسات وإجراءات مالية وإدارية

الرجاء اكمال النموذج ادناه لمراسة المورد

البريد الإلكتروني
ادخل محتوى الرسالة الحد الاعلى 600 حرف